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Switch users will soon be unable to access or use the Twitch app | VGC

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    The Twitch app on the Nintendo Switch is set to be delisted and shut down.

    Numerous users started tweeting on Tuesday that they had received a message from Twitch telling them the service would no longer be available.

    “We are reaching out to let you know that we have made the hard decision to remove the Twitch app from the Nintendo Switch,” the message to users reads.

    “The app will be removed January 31, 2024. Thank you for supporting Twitch streamers and communities on the Nintendo Switch.”

    Twitch’s support page has now been updated with more information on timings. On November 6, the Twitch app will be delisted from the Nintendo eShop, meaning no new users will be able to download it.

    Existing users will then lose access to the app on January 31, 2024, at which point it will essentially become useless.

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    The Twitch app was added to the Switch eShop on November 11, 2021, but a number of key features – such as the ability to read and post chat messages, and the ability to subscribe to channels through the app – have never been implemented, making the mobile version a more viable alternative.

    In a statement to The Verge, Twitch director of global corporate communications Gabriella Raila said: “We recently made the difficult decision to remove the Twitch app from the Nintendo Switch.

    “Nintendo remains a valued partner and we appreciate all of the support the Switch community has provided to Twitch and our streamers.”


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    Author: Connie Mahoney

    Last Updated: 1700252162

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    Author information

    Name: Connie Mahoney

    Birthday: 1962-07-10

    Address: 382 Alexis Corner, Kimberlyside, IA 99031

    Phone: +3563493641094410

    Job: Pharmacist

    Hobby: Camping, Painting, DIY Electronics, Rock Climbing, Singing, Role-Playing Games, Raspberry Pi

    Introduction: My name is Connie Mahoney, I am a fearless, spirited, tenacious, accessible, receptive, steadfast, ingenious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.