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This is the target for the upcoming mega bounce indicated by the analyst in the price prediction for XRP

Another bullish prediction has come in for the XRP price which is arguably more optimistic than many would expect. This time around, a crypto analyst is expecting XRP to use up its stored energy for an explosive rally that could see the altcoin rally to $27, well above its all-time high. 

XRP Price Suppressed During Last Bull Run Because Of SEC Lawsuit

VIDEO: XRP Price Prediction: Analyst Points Out Incoming Mega Bounce, Here’s The Target
Money Matters

Crypto analyst ERGAG CRYPTO recently predicted that XRP is poised for a massive 4,000% price surge. ERGAG made this prediction in an X post, detailing how this price surge can be actually possible. According to the analyst, XRP’s price was suppressed during the last major crypto bull run in 2021 due to an ongoing lawsuit from the SEC against Ripple Labs, XRP’s creator. 

While Bitcoin and other altcoins were hitting new all-time highs, the XRP price struggled to keep up due to fears the lawsuit could severely impact the project’s future. For instance, during this time period, Bitcoin skyrocketed by 23X, and Ethereum also went up a whopping 58X. 

A federal judge in the United States has since determined that the programmatic sales of XRP do not constitute the selling of securities. Now that the lawsuit seems to be coming to an end with a settlement in sight, XRP is poised to make up for lost time and shoot up with this lost energy. 

The analyst predicts the XRP price could rally 40 times from its current level to $27 in the subsequent bull run, which would exactly coincide with the Fibonacci 1.618 indicator from the 2017 peak to the 2020 bottom.

XRP price prediction

Source: X

Although a timeline for the next bull run is not known at the moment, ERGAG puts this spike to happen around mid-2024.

One day for sure. But suggestion March – May 2024 will be fire works.

— EGRAG CRYPTO (@egragcrypto) October 26, 2023

What’s Next For XRP?


The entire crypto market has witnessed gains since the middle of October, and the XRP price hasn’t been left out. Bitcoin, for instance, attained a new yearly high of $35,150. At the time of writing, XRP is trading at $0.547, up by 5.73% in the past seven days. 

Although its price is relatively low compared to other altcoins, XRP is still one of the strongest in the entire market, occupying the 5th spot in terms of market cap. 

ERGAG CRYPTO has also had some very optimistic price predictions for XRP in the past. While a $27 price point seems very overachieving, XRP could easily smash through its previous all-time high of $3.84 in the next bull market. The analyst had initially predicted that the altcoin might not see a new all-time high by July 2028.

Shiba Inu price chart from Tradingview.com (SHIB whales)

XRP sees slight retracement | Source: XRPUSD on Tradingview.com

Featured image from iStock, chart from Tradingview.com

Scott Matherson

Scott Matherson is a prominent crypto writer at NewsBTC with a knack for capturing the pulse of the market, covering pivotal shifts, technological advancements, and regulatory changes with precision. Having witnessed the evolving landscape of the crypto world firsthand, Scott is able to dissect complex crypto topics and present them in an accessible and engaging manner. Scott's dedication to clarity and accuracy has made him an indispensable asset, helping to demystify the complex world of cryptocurrency for countless readers.


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Name: Nicole Mendoza

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Introduction: My name is Nicole Mendoza, I am a unreserved, Open, cherished, priceless, Colorful, Precious, Determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.